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Mozilla is always better than IE

MD Flash Galary


* Elegant and unobtrusive preloading of information and thumbnails
* Add multiple libraries (Portrait, Landscape, Glamour, etc.) by adding XML files. No limit on how many images each library can hold.
* Each thumbnail supports a larger version of the image with individual descriptions
* Robust error checking that helps direct you if you encounter a loading error (nice for development)
* Centralized code-base so you donĂ¢€™t have to go digging everywhere for Actionscript files
* CSS control over main gallery descriptions
* All fonts, classes, and layered Photoshop files are included! (1)
* Full browser site for an elegant presentation

This is a complete site template. All you have to do is customize it to your liking and deploy! What this file includes:

* FLA file with all code in centralized files
* All XML files for main gallery and all libraries
* All fonts, classes, and javascript used in the gallery (1)
* Instruction file with some troubleshooting
Live Demo


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